
Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church
Cornerstone Community Church

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test

Headline Test
Headline Test
Headline Test
Headline Test


Nursery Times
9:00 a.m. Traditional Service
10:10 a.m. Sunday School
11:15 a.m. Contemporary Service

Schedule and Nursery Information

Ministry Teams

Adult Ministries

Oversees adult activities including Sunday School Classes, Bible studies, small groups, intergenerational events, church library, reader’s group, quilter’s group, and couple’s group.

Children’s Ministries

Promotes programs for children ages Preschool- 5th grade; including Sunday School, Jr. Church, Epic, Explorers, VBS, TAFFY, Summer Camps, Musicals, Family Movie Night, Tomato.

Children’s Ministry Director: Kalvari Kershner

Disability Ministry Team

Provides resources and training on inclusion for all ministries of the church. It supports the purchases of accommodations to enable persons of all abilities to worship in Sunday School and in Church.

Disability Ministry Director: Mary Elder

12:2 Student Ministries

Oversees programs for 6th-12th grades; including Sunday School, Confirmation, Mission Trips, After School Ministries and Youth Group.

Youth Ministry Directors: Brian & Julie Zimmerman

Team Leaders: Neil Kirkpatrick, Ryan Wenger, Helen Hassel, & Robin McClay

Food Services Ministries

Provides food for Wednesday Community PeaceMeals, mission dinners, friendship meals, funeral dinners, VBS, youth events and special occasions. Volunteers purchase food and supplies, cook, serve meals, donate food, and clean the kitchen.

Team Leaders: Sharon Fitzpatrick, JoAnn Baugher, & Betty Smith

Media Ministries

Provides recruitment of and training for sound system, power point, digital camera, and video camera operators; computer support, church marketing, Web Page, and sign ministry.

Technology Director: Brian Hassel

Team Leaders: Kathy Toms, Wade Grogg, Ross Carter & Stephanie Broerman

Membership and Evangelism Ministries

Provides prayer support through intercessory prayer team and prayer chain; manages Welcome table, new member mentors, and Sunday morning attendance records.

Missions Ministries

Provides support to mission projects including mission trips, making school/health kits, Jackson Area Ministries (JAM), Blanket Sunday, mission dinners, FACA, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer Project and OASIS project.

Team Leader: Bob Moore

Music Ministries

Provides recruitment and support for all aspects of music for Sunday morning worship including senior choir, praise team, organist, pianist, vocal and instrumental soloists.

Team Leaders: Mary Elder, Susan Link, & Ross Carter

Nursery Ministries

Manages the Church nursery, recruiting volunteers, and teachers. Schedules, helps new parents, and promotes programs for infants and toddlers for Sunday School, Worship Services and special events.

Children’s Ministry Director: Kalvari Kershner

Nursery Coordinator: Emily Carter

Special Services Ministries

Provides support to the staff, worship & music teams in planning – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Scout Sundays, All Saint’s Day, Leadership Commissioning Service and Special Methodist Sundays.

Team Leaders: Joy Campbell, Ross Carter, Robin McClay & Rhonda Goeppinger

Visitation Ministries

Provides delivery of cookies to visitors, friendship meals, visits to shut-ins, nursing home residents, and hospital patients, letters to visitors and phone calls to inactive members.

Team Leader: Morris James

Worship Ministries

Provides recruitment of and training for ushers, greeters, communion stewards, acolytes, and lay readers for Sunday morning worship.

Team Leaders: Joy Campbell, Ross Carter, & Kalvari Kershner